About the Journal

The International Journal of Academic Studies in Technology and Education (IJASTE) is a peer-reviewed scholarly online journal. It is published twice a year in Winter and Summer. The IJASTE is indexed in Central & Eastern European Academic Source, Education Ultimate and Education Full Text / H. W. Wilson. There is no publication fee in the IJASTE. 

IJASTE is affiliated with the International Society for Academic Research in Science, Technology, and Education (ARSTE): www.arste.org

The journal accepts research papers on education and technology across various technical knowledge domains, including theoretical works, literature reviews, research reports, social and psychological issues, curricula, learning environments, book reviews, and review articles. Submitted articles should be original, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere.

It is important to note that withdrawing a submission without the approval of the editorial office is not permitted during the review, revision, production, or publication process, as the editor and reviewers dedicate significant time to each submission.

The initial review, conducted by the editorial team, typically takes two weeks. If the submission passes this stage, it proceeds to a double-blind peer review process, which usually takes about 6 months. IJASTE employs a double-blind review process, wherein at least two international reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area evaluate each manuscript submitted for publication consideration.

Papers must adhere to language and APA 7 style standards. Failure to meet these standards at any stage of the review or publication process will result in rejection. So don't forget to take a look at the author guidelines section before submitting.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)
					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)

IJASTE, the International Journal of Academic Studies in Technology and Education, is pleased to be able to provide valuable research to its valued readers in this issue. We have included the studies of eminent researchers from a wide and diverse geographical area. The articles in this issue are written by researchers from the United States, Turkiye, Romania, and Tanzania.

The topics covered in this issue range from science learning, school context predictors of self-determination, blended learning approach, teachers' patience levels and professional resilience, and social media addiction.

Conclusions and recommendations in the articles will inspire scholarship and literature and guide future research.

We are grateful to all the editorial boards, authors, and reviewers for their contribution to this issue.

Published: 05/20/2024
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