The Effect of Some Variables on Mathematical Resilience: A Regression Model
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In the present study, it was aimed to determine the power of beliefs towards mathematics and epistemological beliefs to predict mathematical resilience. Relational survey model was used in the research conducted with quantitative paradigm. The sample of the research consists of pre-service teachers. 'Mathematical Resilience Scale', 'Epistemological Beliefs Scale' and 'Mathematics Beliefs Scale' were used as measurement tools. Regression analysis was performed to find answers to the research questions. Four different models were tested in the study. As a result, beliefs towards mathematics and epistemological beliefs were found to be significant predictors of mathematical resilience. In addition, the belief that learning depends on ability and effort and usefulness factors were found to have high predictive power for mathematical resilience. According to the results of the study, it was suggested that pre-service teachers' developing beliefs and epistemological beliefs towards mathematics would be beneficial in increasing their mathematical resilience levels. In addition, it was suggested that the beliefs that learning mathematics requires effort, and that mathematics is useful will positively affect the level of mathematical resilience.


Epistemological belief, Mathematical resilience, Mathematics belief, Regression

How to Cite

Yıldızhan Kökten, B., & Ertekin, E. (2024). The Effect of Some Variables on Mathematical Resilience: A Regression Model. International Journal of Academic Studies in Technology and Education, 2(2), 187–205.

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